Kitchen wrap-up

As we wrap up 2023, we’re thrilled to share some kitchen highlights with you.

8000kg and Counting: Our incredible kitchen team has whipped up over 8000kg of community meals this year! Each meal carries not just nourishment but a whole lot of heart, thanks to the dedication of our volunteers and chefs.

Volunteer Power: Speaking of volunteers, we have a robust crew of around 20 regulars whose passion and commitment make the kitchen a vibrant space where the magic happens.

Cooking with Purpose: We’ve expanded our horizons by creating educational cooking sessions around our kitchen volunteers’ lunches. It’s a fantastic way to share skills, foster community, and, of course, enjoy delicious meals together.

Festive Delights: The holiday season is upon us, and our kitchen is buzzing with activity. We’ve kicked off our Christmas pudding production, ensuring that festive cheer is on the menu for everyone.

Community Collaboration: We’re thrilled to report a successful collaboration with Under the Stars, using the kitchen once a month to create a community meal. This initiative has been a hit, bringing people together over shared meals and fostering a sense of belonging.

Abundance from All Quarters: Thanks to Frozen Fresh who have been supplying us with a steady stream of frozen food. This influx has significantly boosted our ingredient supply, allowing us to continue producing nutritious meals for those who need them most.

A big thanks to everyone involved in the Good Neighbour Kitchen – volunteers, donors and community partners. Your contributions have made a tangible difference, turning the kitchen into a place of warmth, nourishment, and shared joy.

Here’s to the culinary adventures that await us in the new year! Wishing you all a festive season filled with good food, good company and good cheer.
