Our Mission

Ultimately, we want to everybody in the Bay of Plenty to live better lives by seeing the needs of people and responding with kindness, compassion and generosity.
Good Neighbour Trust is a registered charitable non-profit community organisation (No-CC49198).
Good Neighbour is made up of various separate strands that combined with our volunteers makes us a powerful agent of change in our neighbourhoods.
These strands are :
- Food Rescue – No waste, no hunger
- Neighbourhood Projects – Helping neighbours transform their communities
- Community Gardens – Growing for good
- Firewood – Share the warmth
- Care team – Giving hope and connection
- Kitchen – Food at the heart of change
We are intentional and passionate about bringing hope to those struggling in our communities. We want to build relationships through sincere love in action.
“He aha te mea nui? He tangata he tangata he tangata”
“What is important? It’s people, it’s people, it’s people”
By building a network of people who love serving and helping others, the dream is to create “neighbours building neighbourhoods.” Places where people have a sense of belonging. Our neighbourhoods can be a better place with a “friend just over the fence.” We believe it is possible to have neighbourhoods where we learn to share our gifts and give back to others rather than just being consumers. In this way the dream for a better future is in the grasp of us all. It is possible to not only bring change but BE the change we want to see by connecting people who need help with people who can help.