Kitchen wrap-up

As we wrap up 2023, we’re thrilled to share some kitchen highlights with you. 8000kg and Counting: Our incredible kitchen team has whipped up over 8000kg of community meals this year! Each meal carries not just nourishment but a whole lot of heart, thanks to the dedication of our volunteers and chefs. Volunteer Power: Speaking…

When life gives you lemons… make lemon cake! 

The Holland Beckett Family Law team assisted Good Neighbour recently, for what was supposed to be a backyard blitz but turned into a baking blitz. Rain meant that the team couldn’t work outside so instead they assisted inside, using a glut of lemons to create delicious treats – Lemon Cake, Lemon Cupcakes, Lemon Slice and…

Spring Kitchen Update

The Life Skills Programme Our own TBC Boys have just completed their forklift training and are ready to take the assessment for the license.  Amongst other kitchen skills, the boys are now competent at handling a chef’s knife – safely growing in confidence the more they practice. A valuable skill the boys are developing is…

Supporting our older people

Through our partnership with Tauranga Foodbank we have recently identified that many pensioners are going without meals because they can’t afford food. There are many reasons for this, including access issues due to weather or mobility or because the finances simply don’t stretch that far. Good Neighbour have teamed up with Tauranga Foodbank, Age Concern,…

Out of school, onto the forklift

In March a new group of boys from Tauranga Boys College begun our Life Skills Programme: the innovative training and mentoring programme for students who excel in an out-of-classroom learning environment. We offer them experience in the Good Neighbour kitchen, as well as training in soft skills related to employment. Doing practical tasks in and…

Food rescue sector united & inspired 

Last Thursday and Friday Good Neighbour hosted the AFRA (Aotearoa Food Rescue Alliance) Regional Conference sponsored by Foodstuffs, with 32 representatives from the food rescue sector across the Central North Island attending. The aim was to bring together regional food rescue organisations to connect, learn new skills and ideas to take back to their organisations,…